Jhenyfy Muller is an accomplished fashion filmmaker, self-shooter & video editor, with over 15 years of experience. She has collaborated with clients such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Dior, Cartier, and more notable accolades include a Best Music nomination for her music video "Underwater" and Best Cinematography for "The Great Escapade" at the London Fashion Film Festival (LFFF).
In 2022, she won an award for her film "Wanted" at LFFF, and in 2023 Jhenyfy also earned nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Editing at LFFF for her film "The Past Imperfect of Time." And has been awarded at the ASVOFF with her film "I Remember My Dream " with Best Art Direction and Best Styling.
Jhenyfy studied editing at the University of the Arts London and the London Film Academy, she is a member of SALOON London and Models.com, highlighting her presence in both the fashion and art communities.